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skincare inspired by nature

Monday, 29.07.2024


Avoid sunburn & nasty surprises

It’s vacation time again – who’s beaming with sunshine? ☀️ In this article, we want to talk about the sun, vacations and skin. It is SOOO important to protect our skin – especially on vacation – from the harmful effects of the sun. Especially when we spend more time outdoors and sun exposure can be more intense (depending on the destination), it is crucial to take extra care of our bodies and also our skin to avoid sun damage or sunstroke or heat stroke. 🩵 Pay particular attention in hot weather:

  • good and adequate sun protection
  • Drink regularly – preferably lots of water – it is advisable to always have a water bottle with you!
  • Light and airy clothing
  • Headgear
  • avoid the sun at midday
  • regularly seek shade and cool off
  • avoid physical exertion in the heat

  If you notice headaches, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, a red, hot head and possibly a fever due to the heat, this could already be sunstroke!
You must act immediately and make sure you cool down and drink enough!
Babies and small children, older people and chronically ill people are particularly at risk, but also people who are not used to the heat.
The sun is an important source of vitamin D and can lift our mood, but excessive sun exposure can also lead to sun damage.
Sunburn is an acute reaction of the skin to too much UV radiation.
Typical symptoms include redness, pain, swelling and blistering of the skin.
Sunburn can not only be unpleasant, but can also cause long-term damage, premature skin ageing and an increased risk of skin cancer. Mild sunburn: here the skin is slightly reddened, it may already hurt and itch or even swell.
The skin feels warm to the touch.
Although this form heals within a few days, it is still very damaging and requires intensive care. Every sunburn increases the risk of skin cancer!Moderate sunburn: The redness is more intense, the pain more severe and blisters are already forming.
The skin may feel hot and nausea and fever are possible.
This form takes longer to heal and should be seen by a doctor. Severe sunburn: This is even an emergency situation, because in addition to severe reddening, severe chapping and blistering, it can also lead to a state of shock and fever, chills and headaches.
In this case, see a doctor immediately!
Permanent damage is possible.
To avoid sunburn, it is important to protect yourself appropriately.
Always apply sunscreen with a high sun protection factor, wear protective clothing such as hats and sunglasses and avoid the most intense sunlight, especially between 10 am and 4 pm.
Also remember to reapply sunscreen regularly, especially after swimming or sweating. The right sun protection is therefore essential.  🩵 What should you look out for in sun creams? Many sun creams contain octocrylene, critical emollients and some do not deliver the promised or stated sun protection factor.
You should also make sure that the sun cream does not contain any nanoparticles or titanium dioxide, as these can penetrate the skin.
The best thing to do before buying a sun cream is to find out more, e.g. from Stiftung Warentest.
In any case, you should always take a closer look at the ingredients!
And the following applies: the most expensive product is not always automatically the best!
Sun creams contain either chemical, organic or mineral filters.
Chemical filters convert UV radiation into heat and thus protect the skin.
Mineral filters act more or less like reflectors, ensuring that UV rays cannot penetrate the skin.
However, mineral filters usually leave a white film on the skin.
Under no circumstances should you skimp on applying sun cream, as this could reduce the sun protection factor and you will not be adequately protected!
The sun protection factor of the sun cream should be selected according to the skin type.
Light skin types – this also applies to small children – are particularly sensitive to UV rays.
Here you should choose a sun cream with at least sun protection factor (SPF) 50, avoid spending too long in the sun and reapply after swimming.
The protection provided by waterproof sun creams can also diminish considerably! Babies up to the age of one should generally avoid direct sunlight! Sun creams from the previous year or even older should no longer be used, especially if they contain octocrylene.
Over time, substances are formed that can be carcinogenic.
In addition, the sun protection factor can decrease with prolonged storage.  🩵 We recommend the following products for after-sun care: PROSALBAN REPAIR BALM  The Prosalban Repair Balm is a true all-rounder for skin and scars. It is ideal for intensive and lasting care for stressed skin after sunbathing.
The balm can soothe the skin and provides long-lasting, intensive moisture. Lavender oil is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Rosehip extract can contribute to tissue regeneration and improve the elasticity of skin collagen. Vitamin E provides protection against free radicals and can contribute to cell renewal. The special apple component has a positive effect on the elasticity and softness of the skin and helps to regulate the skin’s moisture content. Our all-rounder is very economical to use thanks to its delicately melting, easy-to-spread, oily consistency. With the special airless pump dispenser, it can be dispensed easily and very sparingly. Please pay attention to the recommended temperatures, as the consistency of the balm may change due to its composition. (18-25°C) The gentle balm is suitable for all skin types and the whole family – including babies from 6 months.   Especially with increased sun exposure, the skin needs good and regular care!
Prosalban skin care oil [COMING SOON] is a pleasant care product for intensive moisture, even for dry skin.
It is ideal for the daily care of dry and sensitive skin.
The skin care oil provides intensive care and ensures vital skin with regular use.
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